289 lines
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289 lines
10 KiB
using UnityEditor;
using System.Linq;
using System;
using System.IO;
static class BuildCommand
private const string KEYSTORE_PASS = "KEYSTORE_PASS";
private const string KEY_ALIAS_PASS = "KEY_ALIAS_PASS";
private const string KEY_ALIAS_NAME = "KEY_ALIAS_NAME";
private const string KEYSTORE = "keystore.keystore";
private const string BUILD_OPTIONS_ENV_VAR = "BuildOptions";
private const string ANDROID_APP_BUNDLE = "BUILD_APP_BUNDLE";
private const string VERSION_iOS = "VERSION_BUILD_VAR";
static string GetArgument(string name)
string[] args = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs();
for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
if (args[i].Contains(name))
return args[i + 1];
return null;
static string[] GetEnabledScenes()
return (
from scene in EditorBuildSettings.scenes
where scene.enabled
where !string.IsNullOrEmpty(scene.path)
select scene.path
static BuildTarget GetBuildTarget()
string buildTargetName = GetArgument("customBuildTarget");
Console.WriteLine(":: Received customBuildTarget " + buildTargetName);
if (buildTargetName.ToLower() == "android")
// https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/issues/buildoptions-dot-acceptexternalmodificationstoplayer-causes-unityexception-unknown-project-type-0
// Fixed in Unity 5.6.0
// side effect to fix android build system:
EditorUserBuildSettings.androidBuildSystem = AndroidBuildSystem.Internal;
if (buildTargetName.TryConvertToEnum(out BuildTarget target))
return target;
Console.WriteLine($":: {nameof(buildTargetName)} \"{buildTargetName}\" not defined on enum {nameof(BuildTarget)}, using {nameof(BuildTarget.NoTarget)} enum to build");
return BuildTarget.NoTarget;
static string GetBuildPath()
string buildPath = GetArgument("customBuildPath");
Console.WriteLine(":: Received customBuildPath " + buildPath);
if (buildPath == "")
throw new Exception("customBuildPath argument is missing");
return buildPath;
static string GetBuildName()
string buildName = GetArgument("customBuildName");
Console.WriteLine(":: Received customBuildName " + buildName);
if (buildName == "")
throw new Exception("customBuildName argument is missing");
return buildName;
static string GetFixedBuildPath(BuildTarget buildTarget, string buildPath, string buildName)
if (buildTarget.ToString().ToLower().Contains("windows")) {
buildName += ".exe";
} else if (buildTarget == BuildTarget.Android) {
#if UNITY_2018_3_OR_NEWER
buildName += EditorUserBuildSettings.buildAppBundle ? ".aab" : ".apk";
buildName += ".apk";
return buildPath + buildName;
static BuildOptions GetBuildOptions()
if (TryGetEnv(BUILD_OPTIONS_ENV_VAR, out string envVar)) {
string[] allOptionVars = envVar.Split(',');
BuildOptions allOptions = BuildOptions.None;
BuildOptions option;
string optionVar;
int length = allOptionVars.Length;
Console.WriteLine($":: Detecting {BUILD_OPTIONS_ENV_VAR} env var with {length} elements ({envVar})");
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
optionVar = allOptionVars[i];
if (optionVar.TryConvertToEnum(out option)) {
allOptions |= option;
else {
Console.WriteLine($":: Cannot convert {optionVar} to {nameof(BuildOptions)} enum, skipping it.");
return allOptions;
return BuildOptions.None;
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1082532/how-to-tryparse-for-enum-value
static bool TryConvertToEnum<TEnum>(this string strEnumValue, out TEnum value)
if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(TEnum), strEnumValue))
value = default;
return false;
value = (TEnum)Enum.Parse(typeof(TEnum), strEnumValue);
return true;
static bool TryGetEnv(string key, out string value)
value = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(key);
return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(value);
static void SetScriptingBackendFromEnv(BuildTarget platform) {
var targetGroup = BuildPipeline.GetBuildTargetGroup(platform);
if (TryGetEnv(SCRIPTING_BACKEND_ENV_VAR, out string scriptingBackend)) {
if (scriptingBackend.TryConvertToEnum(out ScriptingImplementation backend)) {
Console.WriteLine($":: Setting ScriptingBackend to {backend}");
PlayerSettings.SetScriptingBackend(targetGroup, backend);
} else {
string possibleValues = string.Join(", ", Enum.GetValues(typeof(ScriptingImplementation)).Cast<ScriptingImplementation>());
throw new Exception($"Could not find '{scriptingBackend}' in ScriptingImplementation enum. Possible values are: {possibleValues}");
} else {
var defaultBackend = PlayerSettings.GetDefaultScriptingBackend(targetGroup);
Console.WriteLine($":: Using project's configured ScriptingBackend (should be {defaultBackend} for targetGroup {targetGroup}");
static void PerformBuild()
var buildTarget = GetBuildTarget();
Console.WriteLine(":: Performing build");
if (TryGetEnv(VERSION_NUMBER_VAR, out var bundleVersionNumber))
if (buildTarget == BuildTarget.iOS)
bundleVersionNumber = GetIosVersion();
Console.WriteLine($":: Setting bundleVersionNumber to '{bundleVersionNumber}' (Length: {bundleVersionNumber.Length})");
PlayerSettings.bundleVersion = bundleVersionNumber;
if (buildTarget == BuildTarget.Android) {
var buildPath = GetBuildPath();
var buildName = GetBuildName();
var buildOptions = GetBuildOptions();
var fixedBuildPath = GetFixedBuildPath(buildTarget, buildPath, buildName);
var buildReport = BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer(GetEnabledScenes(), fixedBuildPath, buildTarget, buildOptions);
if (buildReport.summary.result != UnityEditor.Build.Reporting.BuildResult.Succeeded)
throw new Exception($"Build ended with {buildReport.summary.result} status");
Console.WriteLine(":: Done with build");
private static void HandleAndroidAppBundle()
if (TryGetEnv(ANDROID_APP_BUNDLE, out string value))
#if UNITY_2018_3_OR_NEWER
if (bool.TryParse(value, out bool buildAppBundle))
EditorUserBuildSettings.buildAppBundle = buildAppBundle;
Console.WriteLine($":: {ANDROID_APP_BUNDLE} env var detected, set buildAppBundle to {value}.");
Console.WriteLine($":: {ANDROID_APP_BUNDLE} env var detected but the value \"{value}\" is not a boolean.");
Console.WriteLine($":: {ANDROID_APP_BUNDLE} env var detected but does not work with lower Unity version than 2018.3");
private static void HandleAndroidBundleVersionCode()
if (TryGetEnv(ANDROID_BUNDLE_VERSION_CODE, out string value))
if (int.TryParse(value, out int version))
PlayerSettings.Android.bundleVersionCode = version;
Console.WriteLine($":: {ANDROID_BUNDLE_VERSION_CODE} env var detected, set the bundle version code to {value}.");
Console.WriteLine($":: {ANDROID_BUNDLE_VERSION_CODE} env var detected but the version value \"{value}\" is not an integer.");
private static string GetIosVersion()
if (TryGetEnv(VERSION_iOS, out string value))
if (int.TryParse(value, out int version))
Console.WriteLine($":: {VERSION_iOS} env var detected, set the version to {value}.");
return version.ToString();
Console.WriteLine($":: {VERSION_iOS} env var detected but the version value \"{value}\" is not an integer.");
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value), $":: Error finding {VERSION_iOS} env var");
private static void HandleAndroidKeystore()
#if UNITY_2019_1_OR_NEWER
PlayerSettings.Android.useCustomKeystore = false;
if (!File.Exists(KEYSTORE)) {
Console.WriteLine($":: {KEYSTORE} not found, skipping setup, using Unity's default keystore");
PlayerSettings.Android.keystoreName = KEYSTORE;
string keystorePass;
string keystoreAliasPass;
if (TryGetEnv(KEY_ALIAS_NAME, out string keyaliasName)) {
PlayerSettings.Android.keyaliasName = keyaliasName;
Console.WriteLine($":: using ${KEY_ALIAS_NAME} env var on PlayerSettings");
} else {
Console.WriteLine($":: ${KEY_ALIAS_NAME} env var not set, using Project's PlayerSettings");
if (!TryGetEnv(KEYSTORE_PASS, out keystorePass)) {
Console.WriteLine($":: ${KEYSTORE_PASS} env var not set, skipping setup, using Unity's default keystore");
if (!TryGetEnv(KEY_ALIAS_PASS, out keystoreAliasPass)) {
Console.WriteLine($":: ${KEY_ALIAS_PASS} env var not set, skipping setup, using Unity's default keystore");
#if UNITY_2019_1_OR_NEWER
PlayerSettings.Android.useCustomKeystore = true;
PlayerSettings.Android.keystorePass = keystorePass;
PlayerSettings.Android.keyaliasPass = keystoreAliasPass;