
254 lines
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// Package game implements a controller for Buckshot Roulette matches.
// The terminology of this package is as follows:
// - A match is a pairing of two players, the dealer and challenger.
// It ends when the challenger wins three rounds or the dealer wins once.
// - A round is an instance of gameplay. Both players start each round with
// the same HP, and it continues until either player reaches zero.
// - A game is a set of 2-8 shells and 1-4 items delivered to each player.
// The challenger always moves first at the start of each game.
package game
import (
type Match struct {
// rng is the PRNG state used for this match.
rng RNG
// players are the players in the match. The first element is the dealer
// and the second is the challenger.
players [2]Player
// shells is the list of remaining shells in the current game. It always
// uses shellArray as its backing array.
shells []bool
// round is the round number. Once it reaches 3, the match is over.
round int8
// turn is the turn number. When even, it is the dealer's turn.
turn int8
// hp is the starting and max HP of both players in the current round.
hp int8
// damage is the amount of damage a live shell will deal this turn.
damage int8
// reveal indicates whether the current player has revealed the shell that
// will fire next.
reveal bool
// prev is a pointer to the element of shellArray which was fired last this
// game, or nil if none has been.
prev *bool
// shellArray is the backing storage for shells and prev.
shellArray [8]bool
// New creates a new match started at round 1.
func New(dealer, challenger player.ID) *Match {
g := &Match{
rng: NewRNG(),
players: [2]Player{
{id: dealer},
{id: challenger},
return g
// NextRound starts the next round of a match.
func (g *Match) NextRound() {
g.hp = int8(g.rng.Intn(3) + 2)
// NextGame starts the next game of a round.
func (g *Match) NextGame() {
items := g.rng.Intn(4) + 1
g.players[0].StartGroup(&g.rng, items)
g.players[1].StartGroup(&g.rng, items)
shells := g.rng.Intn(6) + 2
for i := 0; i < shells/2; i++ {
g.shellArray[i] = true
for i := shells / 2; i < shells; i++ {
g.shellArray[i] = false
g.shells = g.shellArray[:shells]
ShuffleSlice(&g.rng, g.shells)
g.turn = 0
g.prev = nil
// NextTurn advances the turn but not the match or round state.
func (g *Match) NextTurn() {
g.damage = 1
g.reveal = false
cur := g.CurrentPlayer()
skip := cur.cuffs == CuffedSkip
cur.cuffs = cur.cuffs.NextState()
if skip {
// CurrentPlayer gets the current player.
func (g *Match) CurrentPlayer() *Player {
return &g.players[g.turn&1]
// Opponent returns the player who is not the current player.
func (g *Match) Opponent() *Player {
return &g.players[g.turn&1^1]
// Apply uses an item by index for the current player.
// If this causes the current game to end (a beer discharges the last shell),
// returns ErrGameEnded but does not start the next game.
// Returns ErrWrongTurn if id does not correspond to the current player.
func (g *Match) Apply(id player.ID, item int) error {
cur := g.CurrentPlayer()
if != id {
return ErrWrongTurn
if item < 0 || item >= len(cur.items) {
return errors.New("item index out of bounds")
if cur.items[item].Apply(g) {
cur.items[item] = ItemNone
if g.Empty() {
return ErrGameEnded
return nil
// popShell removes a shell from the shotgun.
// This may cause the shotgun to be empty, but does not start the next game
// if so.
func (g *Match) popShell() bool {
g.prev = &g.shells[0]
g.shells = g.shells[1:]
return *g.prev
// Peek returns the current turn's shell if it is revealed for the player with
// the given ID, or nil otherwise.
func (g *Match) Peek(id player.ID) *bool {
if len(g.shells) == 0 || id != g.CurrentPlayer().id || !g.reveal {
return nil
return &g.shells[0]
// Empty returns whether the shotgun is empty.
func (g *Match) Empty() bool {
return len(g.shells) == 0
// RoundWinner returns the player who won the current round, or nil if the
// round is not over.
func (g *Match) RoundWinner() *Player {
if g.players[0].hp <= 0 {
return &g.players[1]
if g.players[1].hp <= 0 {
return &g.players[0]
return nil
// MatchWinner returns the player who has won the match, or nil if the match
// is not over.
func (g *Match) MatchWinner() *Player {
if g.round < 3 {
return nil
return g.RoundWinner()
// Shoot fires the shotgun, at the opponent if self is false and at the current
// player if self is true. Advances the turn if appropriate.
// Returns ErrRoundEnded if this causes the round to end.
// Returns ErrGameEnded if this causes the game but not the round to end.
// Returns ErrWrongTurn if id does not correspond to the current player.
func (g *Match) Shoot(id player.ID, self bool) error {
cur := g.CurrentPlayer()
if != id {
return ErrWrongTurn
target := g.Opponent()
if self {
target = g.CurrentPlayer()
live := g.popShell()
if live {
target.hp -= g.damage
if target.hp <= 0 {
target.hp = 0 // in case it goes negative
// If the target is the challenger, the match is over as well.
if target == &g.players[1] {
g.round = 3
return ErrRoundEnded
if g.Empty() {
return ErrGameEnded
if !self || live {
return nil
// Concede sets the player with the given ID to zero health and ends the match.
// The returned error is ErrRoundEnded if id corresponds to either player and
// ErrWrongTurn otherwise.
func (g *Match) Concede(id player.ID) error {
switch id {
case g.players[0].id:
g.players[0].hp = 0
case g.players[1].id:
g.players[1].hp = 0
return ErrWrongTurn
g.round = 3
return ErrRoundEnded
// DTO returns the current match state as viewed by the given player.
func (g *Match) DTO(id player.ID) serve.Game {
var live, blank int
if g.turn == 1 {
live = len(g.shells) / 2
blank = len(g.shells) - live
return serve.Game{
Players: [2]serve.Player{
Round: g.round,
Dealer: g.CurrentPlayer() == &g.players[0],
Damage: g.damage,
Shell: g.Peek(id),
Previous: g.prev,
Live: live,
Blank: blank,
var (
ErrWrongTurn = errors.New("not your turn")
ErrGameEnded = errors.New("the shotgun is empty")
ErrRoundEnded = errors.New("someone h*ckin died")